Miner Uptime Tracking Is Now Available on Our Pool Dashboard🔔

We have improved our mining pools dashboard by giving you more essential data. We are thrilled to introduce uptime percentage tracking! 🚀
We added a new column in the revenue section that shows a percentage of your subaccount's machine uptime. This uptime percentage displays your hardware's total uptime for the last 24h.

How do we calculate the uptime?
We scan every minute in a day (according to UTC time) for shares submitted by each machine. If the miner submits shares, then we mark this as uptime; if the miner does not submit shares, then we mark the machine as disconnected from the pool. We aggregate the result for the day and share the uptime on a percentage basis.
Few considerations to keep in mind:
- If a miner stops hashing on the current day, it won't be included in a future day's calculation.
- If you rename a miner, we will consider it disconnected from the pool.
- It's impossible for Luxor to differentiate between curtailment, maintenance, or other circumstances that might result in a miner not hashing.
Data is presented at 1 AM UTC for the previous UTC day.
Calculation example:
- Miner 1 = 1,440 minutes hashing
- Miner 2 = 720 minutes hashing
- Miner 3 = 360 minutes hashing
Subaccount uptime: (1,440 + 720 + 360) / 3 / 1,440 * 100 = 58%
Other Fixes & improvements
- You can now delete your subaccounts (via the Subaccount Management section) 🤘
- Improvement to responsiveness for the Revenue page on mobile
- Improvement to the Revenue page loading performance
- A new type of bookmark is available for our mobiles users (feels like a native app 🤩 )
If you have faced any issues since these improvements, please let us know. Use our Zendesk platform or contact us directly on Discord.
As always, do not hesitate to share feedback with us and join the discussion on Twitter!
Happy Hashing!